
You need to be your own worst critic! by Christopher Del Rosario

Who are you photographing for? I often times find my seeking the approval of other people, whether it be from friends, other photographer, or social media likes and follows. I know I've sat at a coffee shop a few times just after posting up a new picture on Instagram or Facebook and incessantly refreshing the browser or phone for new likes. i mean who doesn't like admiration from others? I don't want to make accusations but i think anyone who says they don't like appreciation or the approval of others is lying. 


I recently had an image featured on an Instagram account and boom 1500 likes later i was obsessed. I started posting up more images to try and repeat my so called success. Success... What does that mean to you? The word is most commonly correlated to your financial status, the brand named cloths your wear or the the type of car you drive. I don't want to sit here and say i never yearned for any of these things, because i did. There were times when i used to put all the money i had from working at my 9-5 into car parts for my car. I would buy the newest phones and electronics. 

This last year as been different though. I've spent a lot of my time reflecting and trying to understand myself better. Part of this process i've found one thing i really desire the most. My own happiness. As selfish as this sounds, I think you need to be happy for yourself first before you can pass this on to other people you interact with. The one person you should aim to impress is yourself. So i decided to go through ALL of my images. I'm not sure if people understand how many images i actually have that no one has ever seen. lets just say its nearing the 50k(not including film negatives) . I'm still in the process of narrowing it down to my favorite images but it's going to take some time.

I'm slowly whittling down my collection of images, but its taught me something in the process. I'm starting to learn and see a common theme between them all. I'm getting a better handle at who i am and what i enjoy. Before i end this blog post, I'll leave you with this. Do things for yourself, Create to make yourself happy and everything else will follow. 

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Analog life by Christopher Del Rosario

"Wind, Wind, Click". Gone are the days of manually winding film, clicking on a shutter button and not being able to instantly see the results on the back of the camera. Or so i thought. I bought a hasselblad 501c about a year ago and shot a few rolls. I love the camera, I love medium format. Especially the 6x6 square. It gives you a different perspective on compostion. 

Despite how much i love shooting with the hasselblad, There is one big issue. Its the size of chipotle burrito stuffed with every topping you can imagine. So the search began for a smaller film camera, But i didnt want to shell out more money i could use to buy film, pizza or beer. 

Cue the Thrift shop song by MACKLEMORE. I must have walked into 5-6 thift shops in the same night and it wasnt till the last salvation army that i walked into when the camera that would soon be mine. A Pentax K1000 sitting on a shelf with a 50mm f2 lens on it. I was skeptic at first, Because of the weird smudge on the lens.(looked like melted chocolate) The inside of the camera looked clean and the shutter operated perfectly. 

Then i saw the price tag sticker crudely put on the bottom of the camera. $8.99?!?! i was confused and thought there had to be a catch. I mean ebay sells a body alone for $50. and this was $9 for body and lens. So i thought what the hell? I'll skip a day of binging on fast food to pay for this camera. 

I've shot about 10 rolls on this camera and have developed about 2 of those rolls. I currently have 8 more mailed out to a lab for processing and am paitently waiting to receive this back. Which brings me to one of the reasons i wanted to start shooting film again. Digital is great, Don't get me wrong. I love all the Fuji cameras i have, Especially the x100T! With that being said, There is a completely different feeling, thought process behind shooting film. I'll explain more when i get my 8 rolls of film back in a part 2 to this blog. To be continued.....