Get lost, you bum! by Christopher Del Rosario

I want to start this off with the typical "It was a beautiful sunny sunday afternoon Blah blah blah...." But in reality it was just a typical sunday. I was bored sitting on my ass watching some type of cooking show and thinking to my self "Hmm, I could make that". (but really I'm not that great of a cook) After about 4 hours of cooking shows i couldnt sit there anymore. I had to get out. So i started driving aimlessly into the sunset so to speak. Eventually driving into what some people might call a shady neighborhood. I stumbled across a few pretty cool locations, And by stumble i really mean i got lost was trying to find my way out. 

I know everyone has GPS on their phones nowadays. I refused to use it. I intentionally wanted to lose myself in an enviorment i wasn't familiar with. I wanted that feeling of not knowing where I'm going or who or what i'll find. In the midst of trying to find my way back on to known territory, I found i little of myself. I found a bit of my personality in areas i wouldn't ever imagine i would. So if you're ever sitting around, bored to death. Get up, Get lost in your own city and explore. you'd be surprised at what you find in your own backyard.
