Let me first of apologize for the late blog post. I really tried to get one in before mid week. That was a lie. I completely forgot about writing one to be honest. I've been a little preoccupied with working with some new gear and workflow. I had to recent additions to my photography. One is in the form of a Leica M6. I traded one of my last fuji cameras for it and have been shooting with it pretty much non stop since it arrived. I have about 12 rolls so far that are undeveloped. The other is a new Epson v850. I used to have a Pakon scanner which was an amazing device. Unfortunately it only scanned 35mm. So i sold that and picked up an epson for a really good price on eBay! Down side to the epson is it's a little bit slower at scanning and a little more involved, but thats okay since i can scan medium format, 4x5, and even 8x10 if i own a large format camera.
Still needs a little more coloring
The following images are not taken on film just FYI. Although i've been shooting film i haven't sent them out to be developed yet. I've sort of considered developing all this myself but then decided not to since I'm not here permanently. Until i start developing at home i'll stick to sending my film into my favorite place Indiefilmlab. Once i get them back i'll use my nifty new scanner and the next follow up blog will hopefully be full of film images that have been scanned and digitized. Yes i get that its contradictory to shoot film and then scan for online viewing. It defeats the purpose right? Well It's really the easiest way to share those images and help me create prints on my inkjet at home. Anyways i'm going back to scanning and try to master the software since it is pretty cumbersome.