If you did not get a chance to read the original blog post about Japan you can find it here or also published in apple news
I was recently deciding on whether or not i wanted to sort of revive this blog. It used to be a once a month or sometimes two times a month blog post. Its been over 3 months since the last time i wrote anything and i then began to read over my past posts and noticed that i sort of technically lied at the end of one of them. Specifically the blog post from Japan. This only recently occurred to me cause i’ve already been exploring and looking for new things to do in Japan when i go back in February. (i’m realizing how much stuff there is to see in japan after all this research) Even though i never completed and uploaded the rest of my Images from my trip to japan.
Now that my trip upcoming trip is only two months away. I’ve been contemplating on how to go about it this time around. I did quite a bit of the tourist sight seeing stuff the last time i was there and I don’t plan on repeating any of that other than maybe Disneyland. It’s hard to pass that one up. I do however plan on slowing it down this time around. I was in such a euphoric state of mind from the time i landed to the time i left that i dont think i fully had the time to immerse myself in the Japanese culture.
Well that’s the plan for this trip. I want to do what the Japanese do when they wake up in the morning, I want to eat what they eat for breakfast. Speaking of food. The last time i was there every morning i’d run down to the closest convenient store and just grab some break fast nigiri. It was so amazing that I’m pretty sure history is going to repeat itself, but i’ll probably set aside a morning for a really good breakfast in Japan.
The last time i went to Japan, There really wasn’t any planning involved. I knew what time my flight in was, I knew what the address to the hotel was and i knew what time i had to leave for my flight out. I really didn’t do any sort of research or ask people what to do in Japan. I know, i know some of you out there that are way more organized than me are probably freaking out right now. How do you go to a completely new country with a language you dont speak other than the basic Hello’s, goodbye’s, and thank you without any sort of preparation?
Very easily for me at least. I’ve always kind of had this fly by the seat of my pants lifestyle and mentality so why would traveling to another country be any different. This year though i do have a slightly more directed trip ahead of me. I’m not quite making a list of things and places i have to go to rather than places and more importantly food i would like to try if given the opportunity to.
I will say however there are 2 things on my list that are almost non negotiable. Something i didn’t get to last time that i kept trying to. Sushi Omakase and Great Matcha. I dont even think i tried anything Matcha other than the kitkats while i was over there. I did have a little bit of fresh seafood while roaming around tsukiji but nothing like having hand made sushi but a well regarded sushi chef. If anyone reading this blog has a favorite sushi place to go to please send me a DM. These are the Two places i have in mind so far, Sushi Arai and Hakkoku. Anyone that is unfamiliar with Sushi Omakase, It’s a chef prepared tasting menu for sushi.
Its Pricey, but thats probably the only thing i’ll really spend my money on while i’m out there. Oh and more than likely film. Lots and lots of film that are harder find state side. I’m going to get back to watching youtube videos of Japan and listening to the Japanesepod101.com podcast to learn some basic Japanese before i go. I’ll have Japan part 3,4,5 or how ever many more blogs it takes when i get back with a ton more images. mean while. Enjoy the slide show below. Yonde kurete arigatō!